Monday, July 22, 2024

NB-Estates in the GVA and Het Nieuwsblad: Beaver helps Flemings find new home in Spain.

Gianni Seghers traded his life in Beveren for the Costa Blanca to help Flemish people find their dream home. Now he works at New Construction in Spain and aims to create a Flemish enclave in Spain

Discover the New Life of Gianni Seghers

Discover the New Life of Gianni Seghers: Helping Flemish People Find Homes in Spain

From Beveren to the Costa Blanca

Gianni Seghers left his life in Beveren to help Flemish people find their dream homes on the Spanish Costa Blanca. As a regional manager for the company Nieuwbouw in Spanje, which offers construction projects in Spain, Gianni has been active in this sunny region for a year. His move followed a meeting with Carl Vorsselmans, the founder of the company. Gianni met Carl through his father, a client of Nieuwbouw in Spanje.

Challenges and Preparations

Gianni's decision to move to Spain was not without challenges. He immediately started learning Spanish and had to leave his family behind. However, he enjoys the work and the environment, despite some locals being critical of foreign buyers driving up property prices.

Positive Reception and Economic Impact

“That is not the case here,” says Gianni. “To my own surprise, I find that locals welcome tourists and second-home owners with open arms.

Future Plans: A Flemish Enclave

Gianni has big plans and dreams of a Flemish enclave on the Costa Blanca. “Flanders 2.0,” as he calls it, seems to be getting closer thanks to his efforts.

Are you interested in reading the full article? Visit the complete version on Gazet van Antwerpen and Het Nieuwsblad.